Is there a life change you've been working on and so far, doing it alone hasn't created the results you know you want?


What inspires you?

Do you SPIRE?

Are you living aligned with your values and beliefs? Is your whole-being engaged in creating happiness in your life?

Are you unsure of what to do but you know something has to change?


Is navigating a transition causing confusion and anxiety?

What area of your life is languishing and where is it more vibrant?


What’s making you feel burnt out?

What part of your life is satisfying and fulfilling?


How did you get here?

Do you want more accountability moving forward?

What is Positive Psychology life coaching?

Life coaching is a chance to step back from your life, take stock and make the forward-looking positive changes that matter the most to you.

My coaching support will guide you through the change journey and we will use the best research, tools and processes available so you move forward with your preferred future, and experience more balance, success, and joy in your life.

My coaching approach is grounded in positive psychology, the science of flourishing and I work with 1:1 with clients from all over the world over Zoom, phone, email, and also locally where I am based in Essex, CT.

 Life Coaching with me is as easy as A, B, C!

Step A


First, we’ll take some time to help you clarify what you want out of the next stage of your life or career, and create clarity to set new aspirations or goals.

The new insights, expanded mindset and more in-focus goals create a joyful experience for my clients that make their aspirations, goals, and transitions seem possible.

And so it begins, progress forward!

Step B


Then we’ll discover how you can effectively use your strengths, resources, and experience to methodically progress towards your goals.

During this phase, we may discover untapped strengths, unrealized resources, and a greater appreciation of all that you have available to help you on your journey.

We’ll also tackle and address the internal and/or external challenges blocking your progress.

Step C


And then we’ll do what matters most–we’ll develop and implement a practical plan to outline how to get where you want to go from where you are today.

We’ll figure out what it will take to make the positive change you want now, map out the solutions-focused path, and with my support and accountability, you move closer to achieving your goals and create lasting positive change in your life.


If you decide you’d like to work together, we’ll develop a customized plan that focuses on specific areas that today are most important to you, and in a way that is the best possible fit for your strengths, motivations, obstacles, and timeline.


“Michele is an intuitive and knowledgeable coach who has been helping people for over thirty years with developing more productivity, success, happiness, and positive energy in their lives.

“She has helped me with recognizing the need to plan for the change that I want in my life as well as to increase awareness of opportunities to be ready to act on them. She will connect you to helpful people as well as to products that enhance well-being. Michele recently helped me design a goal map to help me address recovery from a back injury and helped me develop connections and resources to heal faster. Michele brings positive energy, interest, and enthusiasm to every meeting and makes her clients feel special as she works to guide them. I highly recommend her as a life coach, accountability partner, and confidant who has the expertise, skills, and training to coach others towards their goals.”

— Kathleen D. of the East Bay, California